Sunday, March 17, 2013

It takes courage

It takes courage and perhaps some sweet, succulent form of insanity to grab the robe of God and swing from one adventure to another.  How do we trust?  When all appears decadent, disheveled, chaotic, despondent, crowded, bleak and miserable, where is God?  So I say to you, if these things you do behold, turn around and walk the other way.  That is where God is.

It is by invitation that God flows forward in our lives because God is non-intrusive and God is kind enough, generous enough and wise enough to allow us to scrape our knees, our elbows, our hands and bump our heads until we cry reaching for her embrace.

Well, Shams, why is it always so difficult?  Because, my friend, within you is a place that is so far removed from God that it cowers in its own marvelous insecurity and illusion.  And such a place is where so many of us live.

How can I trust that which I cannot see?  Until you see it, feel it, begin to live it, perhaps you cannot.  But it is by scraping such an elbow and knee that we come to the magnificent mender, the healing balm called love, which is God.
Shams of Tabriz

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