Wednesday, November 21, 2012

There is a warmth in thanksgiving

There is a warmth in thanksgiving, as if sitting by a sweet fire, contemplating peace and listening to the night sky, feeling the love of stars and moon and forest and earth.  I am here now in the midst of such beauty and the way of true loving light is revealed to me.  I walk with masters and beneath my feet the love Gaya, Mother Earth, blesses my every breath.  Freedom to love, to create, to express, to sow and reap, the freedom that pure living provides.  Could I want for more?
In my heart of hearts I bless all of life everywhere.  I give the deepest, most poignant and profound thanks for the opportunity, the blessing called life.  May you give thanks so heroically, so completely, so unashamedly.   -White Eagle

I give a sea of thanks for bearing witness to God in loving action, for the chance to express what cannot be put into words.  My entire existence was I a simple wayfarer who put key in lock and hid myself from distraction and diversion to, in every single word, give thanks, simple thanks and savor the gratitude that followed.  Thank you, Shams.  Thank you, God.  Thank you, mercy.  Thank you, life, simple and rich and forgiving.  Perhaps like me, do you live a life in the eternal thanksgiving.   -Rumi

Born of love, when I accepted love and called her the best of friends, and when I reached out to the destitute, the forlorn and the fragile, I shared all of the love I am all of the time I was Jesus.  I give eternal thanks for doing so, for the radiant guiding light that loved me beyond eternity and fear.  I bless you all that you might share your thanksgiving completely, unconditionally, passionately with your sisters and brothers, with those in need, those in pain, and those who are loving you in return.  Bless you all.  - Jesus

In the spirit of thanksgiving hug me, hug everyone you can.  Praise, sing, rejoice, for you have the chance to change it all, the way you think, the way you behave, even the way you love.  You don’t have to be limited by tradition because as the Master said, you are the way, and eventually the way always leads back to love.  Give me a thanksgiving hug and I’ll dance with you, and I will hug you in return.  That is a true thanksgiving.  What do you say?   -Shams of Tabriz

You are the sun that has risen above the tallest of mountains.  And from you glistens, radiates and flows the power, the love unconditional and eternal to bless.  I stand beside your courage.  I look upon your bravery, your integrity, your creativity, your kindness, compassionate mercy, and before the Supreme Being do I give thanks for thee.   -Archangel Michael

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