Tuesday, December 6, 2016

How great is your fear?

How great is your fear?  How strong are your diversions?  How beautific is your denial?  All of these are illusions, none of these—hear me—have power.  They have no power.

If you encourage your God to perform as the buffoon and to feed the hungry, empty pit of fear, what a great disservice you do your kindness.  These are not the days to see life as a weak human being, weak of mind, of consciousness, of body, of determination, of focus, weak of soul.

Imagine having all of your power taken away from you by an illusion.  Imagine watching it happen every day of your brief life, being something you truly are not.  Imagine knowing your immortality, your ability to create life, and imagine sitting patiently while the world of lies says you cannot.  Imagine for a moment the ability to heal and cure, and imagine being convinced on some level that only a pill takes care of the pain and suffering.  

Imagine stretching heaven all across the universe to come to a place like Earth.  And imagine forgetting that you did just that.  Is it glorious being human?  Truth is that it can be.  Humanity is the child to the God you are, to the almighty I AM.  Humanity is the worker to the great feminine thought, from the very center of the sun of all of life.  God is humanity's good fortune, and yet humanity takes it upon itself, convinces itself sheerly out of fear and ignorance that it is the redeemer and sustainer, that it is god.  It is time for new perspective.

Do you realize who you are?  Can you stomach that?  That you are the great of the great?  That your hands can raise the dead?  That if walking on water were your thing, you'd be half way to China?  But what is your thing?

It is not what you think it is.  It is very simple.  It is simply to be who you are despite all the odds against your realizing that truth.  It is to pare down your life till you come to a place where there is no forest for the trees, where there is only light and you stand before God naked, unashamed and smiling.

The Beloved Master said, to lose your life shall you be born again.  You've already lost your lives.  Why hold off your birth?  Now is the time to begin to really live, really know the meaning of life, and that is to live life abundantly in God, and to point God in your direction, and to live in that moment that is eternal and all-giving.  Open your arms, beloveds.  There is a lot to accept.  Begin first by accepting your own greatness and all else is added onto you.  And that is really living.

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