Sunday, July 28, 2013

If it is prosperity and abundance you wish

If it is prosperity and abundance you wish, then do something creative and begin with your talent.  Look at all of your talent.  Look at who you are when you are doing what you love.  Maybe you become someone else when you are not doing what you love.  That is the way most of the world lives; do not live that way. 

Be brave, but more than that, be outrageous, be creative.  Do not concern yourself about others' judgments and criticisms.  The buffoonery of humanity is legendary in the universe.  This is a world where you have as much right to create what you love as everyone does creating what they do not.
Prosperity and abundance flow from the light of God.  The light of God shows through your passions, your creativity, your talents, your abilities.  It sheds light on what will manifest, it is on your world the joy of accomplishment, recompense for a job well done.  If at first the flow of light does not seem enough, do not give up.  Expand. It is worth putting your heart into everything you do, especially the things you love.  This will begin the inertia of prosperity and abundance, of wealth.

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