Sunday, September 22, 2013

A very long time ago, like so many, I mistook life as a chore rather than an opportunity

A very long time ago, like so many, I mistook life as a chore rather than an opportunity.  It took Shams to change my perception of this great gift.

In such a place as Earth, that is the status quo, it is the pain and toil and suffering, the unhappiness and the broken dreams upon which most focus, blame and complain.  This begets a life onto itself; as you know, the law of manifestation follows thought.
As you come upon the light of a new day, the opportunity for a new life, the joy of accomplishment, as you come upon all of these and more, why must you dredge and dig up the past?  Why must you judge your vibrant present moment by what has died and by the lessons you learned or did not?

The old way, the way of fear, pain and suffering can lie at rest if you so choose.  Just let it happen.  Let yourselves glide into the love that awaits you in many manners, shapes and forms.  This is not difficult to do.  Let yourselves have. 

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