Monday, December 17, 2012

The truth is that thou art the Christ

The truth is that thou art the Christ.  It is only gender perfect and you always are what you aspire to be.  What life on earth is about is shedding and purging and losing the layers of what would keep the light from your recognition.  You already are the Christ, and now you aspire to be the risen Christ. 

The risen Christ is the perfected you, the I AM.  And here is the key to the door, what is it you truly want?  What did the Master Jesus truly want?  He wanted the truth.  He wanted to understand the truth that he sought; he wanted to understand that it does not matter, he or she. 

The goddess/God of light, the Supreme Being does not care about gender.  The Supreme Being cares about you, the soul.  And the soul can be either and all.  And don’t fool yourself.  No one has been just female upon earth on all of their incarnations, and no one has been simply male throughout their time on earth.  You’ve been both so you could understand both sides of this third-dimensional coin, so you could see life from the oppressor and the oppressed, from the beloved and the loved.  The Master said just a very short time ago that what you experience on earth, the reason that you return time and time again to earth is to enjoy your hobbies.  What a unique way to see life.  And if you don’t like the hobby you’re experiencing you can change it, but most people don’t.  Most people are so limited in their scope and their ability to see beyond their own egoic cell, their prison, that they keep repeating the same hobby, or something akin to it, over and over again.

Simply put, that’s karma.  When you’re done with understanding why you do something or why something has been manifesting in your life it’s time to move on.  This runs the whole gamut on earth of: when it’s time, it’s time.  That means in relationship, that means in your job or career; that means in the things that are hobbies.  It’s simply time to move on and experience something, perhaps richer, or more apropos to who you truly are.  The soul is always, always hungry for experience and for knowledge and for something different, just like the Goddess is! Cut from the same celestial cloth, you might say. 

And so all of this conglomerate, as it rolls down the hill of life picks up speed and sometimes you notice you’re not going quite as quickly as you might, and that’s because there is something that is holding on.  Something hasn’t been let go of, jettisoned, hasn’t been forgiven.  This is what you’ve been doing, everyone is discerning what is worth holding on to.  You could say, love is worth holding on to, but you don’t have to hold on to what you are, you simply are love.  As that seed/truth comes forward and bears its truth to you, everything that is love is a part of your true inner reality, your soul scape, if you will, and everything else isn’t; it is simply part of a hobby, part of an old way.

Attaining a state of Christ, a state of consciousness which is truly Christ, is the most beautiful thing.  And every bit as magnificent and majestic is staying there.  It’s something you can attain this incarnation, that’s why you’re here, that’s why we are here.  You can break through at any moment, in a single thought if you’re not concerned with, or worried about, or afraid of, fearful of letting go of all of your attachments, and that is the Buddha mind.  It is the mind that so magnificently focused on the truth that the truth became the way.

And there is what is called the alignment.  The alignment is every single moment making the choice to stay in the state of Christ.  That may sound archaic but it’s not because what you are doing is you are defeating what is left of the ego personality by making a choice to see life from a higher echelon, from a peak that every few even know exist.  And it makes everything peaceful.  You see in peace, you feel in peace, you exude peace, you practice peace.  Christ does not know chaos.  Christ does not know diversion or distraction.  The risen Christ in you will look at these things and will feel compassion.   What a beautiful thing.
Divine Mother

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