Thursday, September 20, 2012

We would speak of healing

We would speak of healing… being well and wellbeing.

My child, would you have your life shattered and fractured that only pieces of your majesty might be seen?  So often so many do just that; reflect a prism of disjointed greatness, a piece here, a bit there.  And beneath it all screams the soul for expression.  We pray for guidance, direction, companionship, yet we hear not the still, small voice that whispers I AM, here, now, always and forever.  Even on our bed of mortal death we disavow the whispers into the silence of fear.  Your ego believes all would be well under your own human terms, but Spirit tolerates no terms, no barter or bargain. 

Rush through an experience; rush through a life, and what has been gleaned?  The rampant achiever will achieve an empty earth experience.  Sit.  Manifest inner peace that you might know.  Befriend and kneel before the throne of your greatest ally, your soul.  Wisdom is accrued through noticing and paying heed, paying attention.  You seek so for instant solutions!  Might we suggest a different way? 
Listen.  Walk into the depths of a forest and cry.  Empty the emotional body of pent-up resistance.  And child, surrender.  Place yourself into the hands of the Beloved.  Close your eyes, drink from the earth, sip from the sun, bathe in the moonlight.  Seek for quietude far and away from your earthly status quo.  The prison of sameness haunts the corridors of change, true change, letting go, the purification of the past.  The soul tolerates no binding, wrenches itself free at great cost to the physical embodiment.  The soul seeks for wellbeing, for the adventure of quality experiences that articulate as Love, Service, Compassion, Kindness.

Or would you prefer a life lived in the insatiable hunger the ego-personality would have you believe is heaven on earth?  Hell is a loud, rambunctious, uncaring, lower self-centered realm of consciousness; amnesia of the heart, anathema to the soul.  Life is a continuum of choice.  Why choose to live in a hellacious stupor?  Living, wellbeing and being well is such an offering.  But the price is change.  The currency is self-love.  Be healed, beloved.  By your own loving choices be healed.
White Eagle

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