Thursday, September 27, 2012

Expand not in comfort, rather in joy

Expand not in comfort, rather in joy.  Suppress nothing.  Would you measure your steps to save a life, a drowning child?  No.  You would throw your heart and mind and body into saving a human life.  So why, beloved, do you insist on measuring your steps to happiness, to love, to God?  A loving soul calls for help, for assistance… your beatific soul.  So why do you consistently tarry and repeatedly request the soul to “wait” or hold on just a bit longer? 

Every moment is a quality opportunity waiting to be filled with God, with love, joy, happiness, poise and peace.  No one will fill the spaces, the infamous void, but you, and do not delude yourself otherwise.  Love yourself enough to choose joy over sadness, courage over denial, poise over reaction.  Be true to your innermost truth and demand its opposite vacate your thoughts. 

Courage, beloved, thou art not alone.  We applaud your every intention towards self-love, into the knowingness of self-realization.  Be strong.  Be unfazed by dramatic situations, remain steadfast towards your most precious of goals: embracing the Godhood in all with whom you come in contact, in everyone everywhere at all times, in all creatures great and small. 
Be so blessed, you are so deserving.  Accept it in the name and likeness of the infinite Beloved.  Learn to receive with grace. Be loved.


Sunday, September 23, 2012

If I could not find joy

If I could not find joy, levity, happiness in everything I see, every molecule, atom, quark, black hole, twinkle on the tooth of a smile, then be I would not.  But, I am.  And so I do. 
Unwaveringly I seek the prism of every soul.  Breathtaking, treasured one.  Simply majestic.  I live in the pure fractures of light every soul-prism exudes, and dance my lifetimes away celebrating the light emerging while mocking the illusion of darkness.  Seriousness does not exist in my world; nor in yours, beloved and shy dancer.  Ah yes!  Caught you there, did I not?  I catch them all. 
It is nothing, and from this nothing bubbles a spring of magnificent light, heaven-high, that rids the empty soul of seriousness.  Be gone, rest in peace, all is forgiven.
Dance with me, eh child?  And I’ll show you the time of your life.  It is easy… like this… 

Settle for less than joy I shall not!  Never!  Come, dance with me… if you dare!
Are you smiling?

Shams of Tabriz

Thursday, September 20, 2012

We would speak of healing

We would speak of healing… being well and wellbeing.

My child, would you have your life shattered and fractured that only pieces of your majesty might be seen?  So often so many do just that; reflect a prism of disjointed greatness, a piece here, a bit there.  And beneath it all screams the soul for expression.  We pray for guidance, direction, companionship, yet we hear not the still, small voice that whispers I AM, here, now, always and forever.  Even on our bed of mortal death we disavow the whispers into the silence of fear.  Your ego believes all would be well under your own human terms, but Spirit tolerates no terms, no barter or bargain. 

Rush through an experience; rush through a life, and what has been gleaned?  The rampant achiever will achieve an empty earth experience.  Sit.  Manifest inner peace that you might know.  Befriend and kneel before the throne of your greatest ally, your soul.  Wisdom is accrued through noticing and paying heed, paying attention.  You seek so for instant solutions!  Might we suggest a different way? 
Listen.  Walk into the depths of a forest and cry.  Empty the emotional body of pent-up resistance.  And child, surrender.  Place yourself into the hands of the Beloved.  Close your eyes, drink from the earth, sip from the sun, bathe in the moonlight.  Seek for quietude far and away from your earthly status quo.  The prison of sameness haunts the corridors of change, true change, letting go, the purification of the past.  The soul tolerates no binding, wrenches itself free at great cost to the physical embodiment.  The soul seeks for wellbeing, for the adventure of quality experiences that articulate as Love, Service, Compassion, Kindness.

Or would you prefer a life lived in the insatiable hunger the ego-personality would have you believe is heaven on earth?  Hell is a loud, rambunctious, uncaring, lower self-centered realm of consciousness; amnesia of the heart, anathema to the soul.  Life is a continuum of choice.  Why choose to live in a hellacious stupor?  Living, wellbeing and being well is such an offering.  But the price is change.  The currency is self-love.  Be healed, beloved.  By your own loving choices be healed.
White Eagle

Monday, September 17, 2012

What type of heat do we create with the fire of a life?

What type of heat do we create with the fire of a life?
Passionate?  Spiritual?  Unconditionally loving?  Romantic?  Sorrowful?  Raging?
Who would sit before our hearth to warm their soul?

A friend?  A foe?  A lost soul?  A beloved?
What radiance of love do we exude?   

Vibrant?  Distorted?  Conditional?  Compassionate?  Kindly?  Considerate?

Beloved, we are living, evolving art.  Priceless, unique in every way!
We should laugh at our penchant for criticism.

Can one judge art?  All judgment is a crucifixion of the self.
We are all engaged in the self-artistry of living life as best we can.

Oh, the folly of our insecurities!


Friday, September 14, 2012

Why are we drawn to the sea?

Why are we drawn to the sea? Forgiveness, purification and the opportunity to open our heart of hearts into a vastness of willing neutrality that so few recognize, yet return frequently to re-experience the enchantment of a willing, unresisting listener.  It is true.  The element of forgiveness, that which is called water, composes most of your humanness by Divine Design.  All of life everywhere is a flowing, changing sea of opportunity.  Learn from your sea, how she nourishes the earth and sky, how she supports life.  A shoreline is a cliff, a privileged look at the meniscus of two different, yet peaceful co-existing energies.  Earth and water.  Earth and space.

The aura is drawn into the higher frequency of the water world.  The impurities are transmuted wave by wave until a joyful emptiness qualifies the void.  The magnetism of so vast a frequency is, dare we say, addictive.  What do we seek in the neutral emptiness?  At-one-ness.  The blessing of forgiveness, the flow back home.  Listen to the Listener.

How quickly are indentations cleansed from the sand!  Thoughts are footprints scoring the ethers.  Become the sea.  Notice what mars the shorelines of your life.  Listen and forgive.  At least, listen and try to release.

Because we brave the rain, the cold, the chill and wind, we are blessed with adventure.  What discerns the awake from the somnambulant soul?  The song of the seeker.  Give voice to the muse that enchants you and inspires you to great humbleness and compassion.  The mystery of love forever enchants the seeker. Do not feel forsaken when signs elude your fevered searching. 
Oh anxious heart, closer to God you are than ever you might realize. 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Acres of Sunrises Welcome Thee!

Beloved, acres of sunrises welcome thee!
The Tree of Life is infested with so many holes, is weakened by the constant misuse of love. 
Ah, the Tree of Life; so few of us ever reach for the top.  And yet we force ourselves to climb hill after hill, not even dreaming of the mountains placed before us.  So many labor!  How many learn?

A sea of olive trees produces how much pure oil?  A history of a species produces how many heroes?  A poem expresses only so many words.  An idea reflects the gateway to the heart of those who would think.  Where do we go from here?  Do ten thousand pages rife with words equal a lifetime unrealized?  In our every breath is the opportunity for change.

Hold on?  To what? And why?  The embrace of the sun is a lifetime’s richest kiss.  The moon’s caress is the intimacy one seeks from a lover.  Are they not one and the same?  Ponder this.  Why are we born into a world of duality?  Why enhance the separateness that keeps us far from home?  Is it so important to be the individual?  Is it not godly to be a way-shower to the One, the All and the Every?

Thought creates the state of being.  The state of being births the art of becoming. The art of becoming paints the canvas called a lifetime. Brushstrokes of forgiveness temper memories. Do not fear your mistakes.  Experience is malleable. Even here in the garden we must weed out thoughts that otherwise would maim or kill.  Look up, into the depths of your heart.  Want not for less than love.  Notice your thoughts.  Be for a moment in your wholeness.  As one are we all, indeed, thought and word.

The artist separates the preliminary sketch from the tablet and pristine is the new page.  What will you sketch on yours?  Are we not, each and every, artists of the heart?  A creative genius of the mind?  Bold expressions of what most we desire? And what we most desire is love, belonging, at-one-ness and the feeling of home.  We all walk the same pathway home

The art of persecution seems in your time and space never out of fashion.  Perhaps the time has come to change the wardrobe.  Don’t you agree?

Shams of Tabriz

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

To Better Remember the Creator

To better remember the Creator we are gifted with feelings and emotions.  Many would say we are cursed with them, but such a description is always by choice.  When we awaken the heart and release the quiet mind from the cell that kept it hidden we will place ourselves in a position to feel the warmth of the world or to feel all in the world that is not of love.  This is significant and it is important.

Through this opportunity we are offered a choice, do I love or do I fear?  Each of us is working towards that inevitable decision.  Each of us is offered the field, the tool and the seed of love.  Where does one plant such a seed, if they plant it at all?  That is for each to decide.
Be loved,
Divine Mother.