Wednesday, April 30, 2014

When you tire of suffering

When you tire of suffering, when you no longer wish to play, when the way is simply because there is no other way, befriend me.  I am so simple.  I am so un-human and yet I loved the experience for the experience of enlightenment.  

Take stock of your friends, of your beloveds, of your intimates; take stock of your enemies.  Everything is balanced to work towards the awakening.  It is not you or me against any world; it is simply balance, it is simply an order-divine that is inescapable in its perfection.  There is no mind human that can understand it.  

Into these words read your own meaning, but take the time to feel.  Beg from no one, want from no one, need from no one.  Sit with your God.  Come, sit with me.  Rejoice.  


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

If I speak of love as a power

If I speak of love as a power, it is as the wind that blows the wave that, after a time, bends the tree that faces the ocean.  Impatience and swiftness will break the limb.  Patience and persistence will shape.  So, I speak of time as your friend. 

My beloveds, you must stay in the sun.  No matter what the depiction, no matter what the illusion.  Do not resist.  Let the waves go where they must, but you are drawn irresistibly by the strong, deliberate, invincible currents of the Master most high.
Shams of Tabriz

Monday, April 14, 2014

If I am to show myself it will not be in sorrow.

If I am to show myself it will not be in sorrow.  You saw the light of my heart; do not forsake your own.  If it is power you want, surrender.  Love is all I have to give.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Have you learned the secrets of the river?

Have you learned the secrets of the river? Have you learned there are no secrets?  Water runs downhill, least resistance. The mind is always running uphill, tiring, finding excuses, wedding chaos. This is not the way. Have you discovered that as yet?
It is the priceless gift: experience. And experience without regret or resistance is the traveler of the river, always flowing downhill. Some of us become great swimmers because we must. But through a long time I have learned a different way which I will share.

To accept God is to trust in that acceptance completely. Were you to place your life in mine, and see what I see, the way I see it, there are no questions remaining to life; there is simply the knowing. God is the knowing. It is being here, accepting the challenge of what is before you and knowing. It is so simple and the mind would complicate that simplicity.

It is not wrong or bad to deconstruct your life, to peel or husk all illusion back to the very first kernel. If you do not like the color, create something different. Do not waste precious time dealing with what covers the truth, the first thought. Go in your trust in the God you are to the source. Waste no time or effort and not a word of resistance shall pass your lips. 

Remember, sitting together in perfect understanding and harmony. Here, now. We count our breaths, and that leads us to counting our blessings, of which we have many.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

You wish to get across the line that separates you from God?

You wish to get across the line that separates you from God?  Take my hand.  Come with me.  Do not look back. 

These are the times to gift God with the gift you are.  Be you, the God you, the joyous you, and you shall become I AM while yet you live in a body.  The Presence is ever closer, the masters are by your side; the light is within you. 

It is time to step up.  It is time to step out.