Sunday, March 9, 2014

When we look at the world, how is it we can discern what is real from illusion?

When we look at the world, how is it we can discern what is real from illusion?  That is not so difficult a question to answer. When one lives and breathes and moves the beautiful movements with God, such truths and untruths are evident.
Develop your life with God, not the external God, but the inner fire that is pure poetry, self-love and forgiveness.  Develop such unbreakable bonds with the I AM and you will feel what is right and what is not.
Remember that waves appear to turn dark and opaque before and during a storm.  So, during the height of an emotional rise, stay with God; do not be pulled into the churning sea.
But, Rumi, accomplishing such a thing is so difficult! 
When you believe in dragons, perhaps it can be difficult.  When you are warmed by the sun and caressed by the sweet morn, there is no place for dragons, nor armies, nor great seas of slate.

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