Sunday, February 23, 2014

What is it to love?

What is it to love?  It is truly to God.  To truly love is to walk the path of God.  That means doing many things that humans do not want to do.  But there is such as mask that humanity wears that so very few actually see and recognize the face of God in another human being.
Words can tell you, feelings can enchant you, hopes can ensnare you, but only God, love, can free you.  It is the ultimate surrender, and that surrender becomes all-powerful.  It begets compassion and a deep understanding beyond words.  Because the world is dualistic, the polar opposite of love is fear.  Sadly, perhaps, that is where most of the world lives, in the half-light, the hopeless hope.
The subject of love can be so moving, charged and passionate, clouded and misunderstood, stifling and all-encompassing.  No wonder why the subject of love has been the cause of so many a poem and song. 
So, what is love?  Perhaps a simple answer is, it is not fear.

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