Tuesday, August 26, 2014

When times appear darkest true it is that angels are closest to you

When times appear darkest true it is that angels are closest to you.  At this time, beloveds, it is not angels, it is I.

Come with me, each of you, lay down your burdens and look above you into the light.  Rise with me and let yourselves laugh.  This is the way to heaven.  Do not fear.  Come, express yourself as the true self, and visit with me in the great temple of light.  

All learning, all knowledge is useless here because you are all things.  And as we move into deeper freedom, the great trail of light eventually falls to your old world, wraps itself around your problems, and they disintegrate.  Despite the denseness of Earth, life perseveres.  Problems only exist because of resistance to light.  Open your heart.  Open it wide.
Divine Mother