Monday, May 26, 2014

Do not believe what you are seeing

 Do not believe what you are seeing.  You can rise above the nonsense, it is just that.   Beloveds, you can find the peace on the mountain; you can stand on the shore of the edge of the world.  There are those that when gathered together become outposts of love.  The sleeping will sleep, the frightened will fear, the seekers will find.  The world is imposing upon all, everywhere, what they fear most, their greatest weaknesses and flaws.

In the big picture, this rises into the realm of goodness.  In the short term, life may appear bleak, confused, filled with uncertainties.  The strong and belighted must rise; it is another test of fortitude and self-love.  Life will look darker before it appears brighter, but what will frighten a soul the most will ultimately free that same soul.  All roads lead to heaven.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

There is no greater art than love

There is no greater art than love.  There can be no greater art than the art of loving.  Without such an impetus of life are all fields barren and the mind vacant.  

I give you all a gift.  Touch your ear to my heart and listen.  It is laughter.  Do you remember? 

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

If you worry about prosperity and abundance

If you worry about prosperity and abundance and if you promote a life of lack and limitation, I feel for you.  Because if you would take the time to take the time, you would discover something about yourself.  You are the gold, you are the hill of coins, you are the legal tender, but you just don't know it yet.   

Every single soul possesses not only the key but the birthright to prosperity and abundance, and it means sharing.  It means sharing love.  If you do not have the world's greatest idea, perhaps you possess the world's greatest love.  What is that worth?  What can one do with such a love?  That is the beauty of life, the discovery, the path, the adventure.  

Everyone has something to give, but you must first give to you, so you know what it feels like.  Give to yourself, your joy, your passion, your art, everything, bring it in, make love to it.  Because when you are sated, impassioned with who you really are, then there is a place made in the world for you to share it.  

Do not let fear hold you back.  Do not let your injured past hold you prisoner.  Break out of the cell, break down the door from the dark room, come out into the light.  You are no slave of the past.  Live like the God you are, which is abundantly.  
Divine Mother